Monday, July 12, 2010

Core Java Developers (Consultant Roles) Top NYC Financial

Call or text 203-29-QUANT 203.297.8268 if you have any questions and are qualified for this role or others posted. Please speak clearly if leaving a voicemail, and let me know the role you are applying for and if you have sent a resume or not. You may call or text at any time. All discussions and messages are fully confidential...

Goto for updates on jobs, bookmark it!

You can fax in resume to 206-202-7703 as well.

PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE your salary requirements (2009 base/bonus), location preferences, and for my notes where you have been interviewing or been submitted to in the past 6 months (as there are multiple opportunities if you are a solid techie). Must currently be in USA and be Green CARD/US CITIZEN/h1b with enough years left on visa (at least 3 years). Also include the best times to reach you over the near term.
In all roles we seek candidates who have excellent analytic problem solving skills, demonstrated by excellent academic records in a scientific discipline. The ideal candidates will have shown a drive to succeed in their careers with a demonstrable track record of delivery in a commercial environment. They will be keen team players; able to form productive relationships with their peers and project stakeholders.
Those already having industry experience will be expected to have gained a good understanding of the business areas which they have served and will have a strong motivation to deepen this knowledge and to broaden this to other business areas.

Technical Skills required:
* Strong core java experience
* Good knowledge and understanding of VB/VBA development in wintel environment
* Unix experience
* Ability to produce and execute test plans
* Ability to produce and execute project plans
Knoledge of the following technology products is a great plus:
* Spring
* Hibernate
* Tomcat
* Coherence
* Excel VBA addins

Knowledge of the following FINANCIAL products is a great plus:
*Fixed income and FX

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