Friday, October 29, 2010

Quant C++ Developers: Top Financial NYC (Junior/Midlevel/Sr)




Call or text 203-29-QUANT 203.297.8268 if you have any questions and are qualified for this role or others posted. Please speak clearly if leaving a voicemail, and let me know the role you are applying for and if you have sent a resume or not. You may call or text at any time. All discussions and messages are fully confidential... If QUALIFIED &AUTHORIZED FOR USA WORK, email resume QuantRec

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You can fax in resume to 206-202-7703 as well.

PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE your salary requirements (2009 base/bonus), location preferences, and for my notes where you have been interviewing or been submitted to in the past 6 months (as there are multiple opportunities if you are a solid techie). Must currently be in USA and be Green CARD/US CITIZEN/h1b with enough years left on visa (at least 3 years).

Also include the best times to reach you over the near term.

Candidates MEETING MOST OF the SPEC below will be contacted PROMPTLY.

Financial Company / NYC
Up to 170K Total Pkg for Junior (0-5 yrs exp)
up to 250K Total Pkg for Senior (10+ yrs exp)

Financial company in Midtown has multiple opening in it's core quantiative research and development team which supports multiple asset classes including, Derivatives, OTC Derivatives. The are looking to expand their quantitative development manpower. C++ is the primary language. They work on things like: applications to perform deal structuring, pricing and risk and they implement and tune vaious financial analytics. So it's a combination of very business oriented application development and classic quantitative development.

The prefer candidates who have an advanced degree in math, physics or similar, ideally a PhD but MS in highly relevant major like computational or financial math may suffice and person must have strong C++ for application development and quantiative development (implementing/optimizing analytics).

They are happy to hire candidates from any industry, so long as they have the raw quantitative and technical (C++) skills. So candidates working in technology industry who have mathematical/quantitative education and experience along C++ are encourged to apply.

They are looking to hire at both ends of the experience spectrum, either 0-5 year candidate or candidates with 10+ yrs experience who also have relevant financial product knowledge, eg: IRD's. Candidates should also have database/ Sql coding skills as well (any RDBMS). Note : this group does not do trading systems platform development (execution systems).

For 0-5 yr candidates: 135K base, 35K bonus for 170K pkg is sweet spot
For 10+ yrs experience 250-300K pkg.

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