Friday, December 24, 2010

Python Developers / C++ Developers - Top Tier Financial Firm(Chicago)

Finder's fees can be offered for anybody you can recommend that YOU KNOW (providing contact info is a start) and obviously they MUST BE QUALIFIED and get interviewed and HIRED.
Call or text 203-29-QUANT 203.297.8268 if you have any questions and are qualified for this role or others posted. Please speak clearly if leaving a voicemail, and let me know the role you are applying for and if you have sent a resume or not. You may call or text at any time. All discussions and messages are fully confidential... If QUALIFIED &AUTHORIZED FOR USA WORK, email resume QuantRec

Goto for updates on jobs, bookmark it!

You can fax in resume to 206-202-7703 as well.

PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE your salary requirements (2010 base/bonus), location preferences, and for my notes where you have been interviewing or been submitted to in the past 6 months (as there are multiple opportunities if you are a solid techie). Must currently be in USA and be Green CARD/US CITIZEN/h1b with enough years left on visa (at least 3 years).

Also include the best times to reach you over the near term.

Candidates MEETING MOST OF the SPEC below will be contacted PROMPTLY.

$$ All levels from Junior to Expert Level

Note to Recruiters: Team expects to hire at least 6 developers in 2011, most in Q1.

Team wants to hire at all levels, junior, mid level and senior level. This team is developing the core trading platform for the firm which will cover all asset classes and this team is responsible for all aspects of the system from the low level infrastructure code to the data technology to the front end, but the bulk of the development which needs to be done is the server side development - the core business logic to the core systems. This is a team which only hires best of breed talent, whether junior or senior level candidate, must have excellent academic and/or professional accomplishments which make them stand out.

The bulk of the development will be done in Python but there will be some C++. They are happy to hire a pure Python developer, but some C++ is desirable and they will not hire a pure C++ developer. Financial background is not particularly critical to the job function. Candidates need to be able to show great fluency in Python. The "extras" they're really looking for though are some background with dependency graphs, python twisted, python numpy, python numeric. In general they would also like developer with experience developing large-scale, high performance systems as well as developers who have experience developing software solutions to work with very large data sets. The GUI will be developed in Python WX which is also a plus. This may show up in math people or compiler people or data mining people.

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